Beginners Arm Workout Guide

When it comes to working out your arms we probably immediately think of doing some bicep curls, maybe some tricep push-downs and getting through our workout and getting it over with. But we often lose sight of the fundamentals of effectively lifting. So what techniques are super important for us to follow? Lower the weight on the dumbbellsContinue reading “Beginners Arm Workout Guide”

How to Build Muscle (Do This!)

When it comes to building muscle there are some key things that are needed.  But what about when you have that one muscle group that just doesn’t seem to want to grow?  We tend to all have that one muscle group that doesn’t grow like we want to.  We work it out every week andContinue reading “How to Build Muscle (Do This!)”

Why You Are Not Gaining Muscle

  When it comes to building muscle it can be frustrating when you don’t see the results you want. But why is it so hard to put on lean muscle mass? After all, you are faithful to get to the gym, to exercise, and work your ass off, but still your results are just subContinue reading “Why You Are Not Gaining Muscle”

This One Thing Can Get You To Your Fitness Goals

Do you struggle keeping to your fitness goals? Is it difficult to stay on track? You do awesome and kick ass for a week or two but then fall off the band wagon?  If so this one thing can help you stay on track. Now I’m a firm believe that there are no quick fixesContinue reading “This One Thing Can Get You To Your Fitness Goals”

Don’t Have Time for the Gym?

One of the biggest reasons I hear that people don’t hit the gym is that they don’t have time. I get it, life is busy. I run a business, work full time, have 2 kids, it gets busy. Something comes up at work and you have to stay late, and there goes your gym workout.Continue reading “Don’t Have Time for the Gym?”

Thinking About Hiring An Expensive Trainer?

When it comes to your fitness, maybe you are struggling with staying on track and need some extra motivation, or maybe you want to take it to another level that you can’t on your own anymore.  But personal training is so expensive.  You can get personalized training at home customized content on a weekly basisContinue reading “Thinking About Hiring An Expensive Trainer?”

Why You Should Track Your Calories

Do you track calories? Should you? Is it important or not important. There are people on both sides of the fence on this one. I firmly believe that if you’ve never tracked calories your eyes are about to be opened to just how crucial nutrition is to gaining muscle and going from skinny to buff.Continue reading “Why You Should Track Your Calories”

Are You Doing This In the Gym?

Have you ever been guilty of this in the gym? You are catching your breath after a hard set that is pushing your muscle gains to the max and you whip out your phone. You glance at a few funny memes. Respond to a couple texts. Like a couple posts and before you know itContinue reading “Are You Doing This In the Gym?”

Looking For Something More This Year?

The new complete Bones to Bulk program is on sale for 3 days only!  What you get: Full workouts Explanation of Micro-Cycles Teaching on form and repetitions Meal plans Recipes Info on Supplements and much more including video training for everything.  Find out more here.

How To Motivate Yourself to Go to the Gym

Have you ever found it hard actually getting to the gym? You have good intentions, and plan on waking up early and getting it done and gaining the muscle mass you long for, but you end up sleeping in, and just admit defeat, thinking you will never muster up the self-will to get in there.Continue reading “How To Motivate Yourself to Go to the Gym”